Retrieved from the CFA website
Victoria is one of the most fire-prone areas in the world. Understanding your level of risk is the first step in knowing what to do before and during a fire.

Bushfire Plan
Why should I leave early?
You don’t have to live in the country to be at risk of fire. If you live near areas that have significant bush, forest, long grass, or coastal scrub, then you need to plan ahead for the fire season.
Not everyone thinks clearly in an emergency. Taking steps to get prepared before the fire season means you know what to do when you’re at risk of fire. A written, and preferably well-practised plan, will help you remember what needs to be done during a crisis.
Why should I leave early?
Leaving early is the safest option to protect yourself and your family. Leaving early means leaving the area before there are any signs of a fire – not when you can see flames or smell smoke. Leaving early means avoiding panic, being trapped, making the wrong choices and risking serious injury or death.
Defending Your Property
Planning to stay and defend is a big decision. You could be at serious risk of uncontrollable fires on Severe, Extreme and Code Red days. Most homes in high-risk bushfire areas are not designed for Code Red conditions. The Defending your property page (CFA website) can help you decide whether or not you are capable of defending your property – and tells you about the risks and preparations involved.
How to plan
Taking steps to get prepared before the fire season means you know what to do when you’re at risk of fire.
Just as every family or household is unique, every fire plan will be different. The information and templates in the Fire Ready Kit and on this website, are designed to assist you.
1. Which Fire Danger Rating is your trigger to leave?
2. Will you leave early that morning or the night before?
3. Where will you go?
4. What route will you take – and what is your alternative in the event that a fire is already in the area?
5. What will you take with you?
6. What do you need to organise for your pets or livestock?
7. Who do you need to keep informed of your movements?
8. Is there anyone outside your household who you need to help or check up on?
9. How will you stay informed about warnings and updates?
10. What will you do if there is a fire in the area and you cannot leave?
Decide who will do what as part of your plan.
Bushfire Alert Level (BAL rating)
Link to BAL calculator. The following website offers you the chance to estimate your BAL rating. Here in Corinella we must be aware that the cliff areas will exacerbate the danger as it will act as an updraft.
It is recommended you use 15 or 20 degrees downslope if your house is on the foreshore.
Other information you will need to consider is the type of vegetation on your property. For example, eucalyptus trees emit an oil vapour on hot days and can become susceptible to ember attack.
CFA-Bushfire Management Overlay-Defendable-Space
The concept of Defendable Space is to modify and manage vegetation around a building. It reduces the effects of flame contact and radiant heat on the building itself. A pdf is attached which explains:
Within 10 metres of the building, avoid flammable objects near vulnerable parts of the structure,
Inner Zone where the fuel load is managed to a minimum conditionOuter Zone which will decrease the intensity of the fire and reduce canopy fuel to restrict the fire.
Corinella Refuge Centres
The Corinella Hall is usually the designated refuge centre, but this does depend upon the circumstances.
It is recommended that members download the Vic Emergency App on your phone and listen to ABC774 radio on a battery-operated radio for updates.