
Our Corinella

You can make a difference

People coming together to progress the development and growth of Corinella and improve its amenity for residents, without losing the character and heritage found in the waterline communities.

The purpose of the association is to support and improve the Corinella community by:

  • disseminating information relevant to the Corinella community.
  • acting as a voice and representing the community with other organisations or authorities.
  • co-operating with other groups to foster community development and harmony through social or community events.

We encourage and welcome new members to the Corinella Residents and Ratepayers Association Inc. Your membership will ensure that your voice is heard and our collective vision is shared throughout the community.

Complete the Membership Application Here

Current membership fees for the year ending 30/6/2025 is $15 per annum per individual or $25 per annum per couple.

Payments can be made by:

  1. EFT:
    BSB: 633000 Acct. No.: 120868112 Acct. Name: Corinella Residents and Ratepayers Ass.
    Reference: Your name/s.
  2. Cash/cheque directly into Bendigo Bank Acct. Name: Corinella Residents and Ratepayers Ass.
    Acct. No.: 120868112 Reference: Your name/s.
  3. Cash at the door at the start of a General Meeting.

If paying by EFT or direct payment via the Bank would you please send notification of payment and your application submission to: [email protected]